Flow field with different jet direction angle and different gas jet velocity on the jet surface were numerically simulated using the RNG k-ε turbulence mode and experiment. In order to clarify the drag reduction characteristics on jet surface, a gas-liquid two-phase flow drag reduction model with jet function was established based on the two phase flow principle. The compliance axiom is given that is the graphic confirmation for what has been said. Horizontally projecting surfaces have been presented by intersection of generatrixes with directing lines that are the transition link of conformance points between two-phase flow’s phases. Geometrical images, such as horizontal planes of level, are involved in the work, and each of these planes expresses the spot measurement of all projective parameters.

In case of construction a graphic dependence between parameters the applicate axis, certainly, is resultant or functional one and all remaining axes are arguments or variables. Regularity of parameters layout on the epure six-measured nomogram’s planes should define physical evolution or its absence in the experiment. In the course of receiving geometrical images in the form of straight lines’ segments, curves, planes and surfaces during construction of the six-measured nomogram a question about obtaining of each geometrical image’s physical characteristics is set. A qualitatively new illustrative model graphically connects all experimental cycle of operating parameters by means of projective dependence for Cartesian coordinate system taking into account the materialization of spot measurements. Compact construction of the six-measured nomogram allows obtain fully a graphic illustration for the current experiment and explicitly characterize its physical entity by means of parametric link. A graphic construction of six-measured nomogram with its subsequent decomposition on four cell-like three-dimensional spatial axonometries with their physiographic analysis is offered in this work.